Blog Archive
You’ve finally decided it’s time. No more furious brushing of your teeth. No more gulping down your coffee to keep it from hitting your teeth. No more smiling with your lips closed over your teeth to keep them from being visible. You’re sick of the discoloration, and you’re going to...
If you have an imperfection in your smile you’d like to cover, you may be confused by the number of treatment options available. At Portrait Dental, we are frequently questioned about whether veneers or bonding is a better solution for the issue a patient is facing. Although every patient is...
The holidays are here, and so is the food! We don’t want to be a grinch, but as great as the food and sweets are at this time of year, you also have to be careful to protect your oral health. You don’t want all your hard work throughout the...
How many cavities have you had over the course of your life? If you’re like 90% of adult Americans, you’ve had at least one cavity during your years on Earth — and many people have had more than one. But what if there was a way you could prevent tooth...
Usually when you go to the dentist, your treatment is over after the visit is over. If you’re fighting periodontal disease, though, the battle may continue even after you’ve left the office, thanks to a medicine called Arestin that your dentist may place on your gums to treat your gum...
You’re at your regular dental exam, and your dentist tells you they’ve found tooth decay in your mouth that needs restoration to prevent further damage from occurring. In other words, you have a cavity and you need a filling. Or is that what you really need? Though most of us...
Remember how your parents used to tell you to brush and floss your teeth every day? They weren’t just saying that because it said so in the parent manual. They had good reasons to repeat it over and over — they were trying to prevent plaque. Plaque is one of...
You just left the dentist after yet another filling to fix a cavity. You’re determined that this time will be different, that when you return for your next regular exam and cleaning, your dentist will find a grand total of zero cavities. So how can you make that happen? How...
Many routine dental visits are just that: routine. You get a cleaning and an exam, get told you need to floss more, and go on your way. What do you do when your routine dental visit is anything but routine? Almost half of all adults over 30 are now told...
Sometimes, the walls in your house just need a fresh coat of paint. They’ve been beaten up, scuffed, colored on — life has been hard on them, and they need a quick facelift to look and feel better. Your teeth are the same way. Life can be hard on them,...
Anxious about going to the dentist? You aren’t the only one. Roughly 36% of people in the US have a fear of dental treatment, with 12% possessing an extreme fear. If you’re feeling this type of anxiety, the worst thing you can do is skip going to the dentist altogether....
Dental trauma is no fun. Any injury to your teeth or gums, your jawbone or your soft tissues can cause major problems for your mouth and your oral health. Most dental injuries are the result of some sort of accident, such as a car wreck, a fall, or a sports...
Ever since you were a child, you’ve been told to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. These are the pillars of your oral health, after all. But think for a minute: When was the last time someone told you the proper...
If you have a cosmetic imperfection in your teeth that you want to fix, two of the most popular options for restoration are bonding and veneers. You may be unsure about which alternative is better for your situation, and you want to know: Is bonding as effective as veneers? Here...
It happens to all of us every now and then. We catch a whiff of our own breath, or someone close to us looks at us with a funny expression, and we realize that our breath is … let’s just say it doesn’t smell the greatest. So we brush our...
You’ve probably seen it in the movies — someone yanks a tooth out of someone else’s mouth using a pair of pliers. You cringe when you see it, and rightfully so. Such an extraction would be incredibly painful, and chances are, that person didn’t really need a tooth extraction. However,...
You’re brushing faithfully — you’ve even tried the best electric toothbrushes. You’re flossing. You’re using mouthwash. And yet, your teeth are still discolored! What’s the problem? Unfortunately, the issue probably lies in your diet. There are quite a few food and drink options Dr. Minh Nguyen and the team at Portrait Dental have seen...
Dealing with teeth issues that affect your smile can be stressful. You’re tired of the way your smile looks, and you just want to fix it, but you aren’t sure of the right method, you don’t think fixing it will work for you, and you’re worried about how much a...
If you or your children are prone to cavities, you might be interested in dental sealants to help prevent those cavities. But you have questions: What exactly is the dentist using to seal your teeth? Is the process safe? How long do the sealants last? Are they really effective?...
Though no one loves to have a tooth pulled, sometimes it’s a necessary procedure that will improve your overall oral health. If you have a tooth that’s severely decayed, broken beyond repair, in a poor position in your mouth, or a victim of advanced periodontal disease, that tooth may have...
You’ve been doing well brushing your teeth. You even manage to floss occasionally. When you look in the mirror, you don’t see any major problems. So when you get the reminder call about your annual dental exam and cleaning, you’re tempted to think everything is fine and maybe just this...
When it comes to teeth, plenty of people are missing a few — or more than a few. More than 36 million Americans don’t have any teeth (the technical term for this is edentulous), while 120 million people are missing at least one tooth. About 90% of those without any teeth have dentures to replace their teeth....
You’re brushing your teeth twice a day like you’re supposed to do. You haven’t had any cavities in a long time. You even floss every day. But when you look in the mirror, you notice your teeth are starting to look yellowish. You miss the bright white of your teeth...
If you’re nervous about visiting the dentist, you certainly aren’t the first person to feel that way. In fact, up to 20% of the American public is in the same boat as you. For those who are nervous, there are several techniques and even medications that can be used to allay your...
If you’re missing a tooth as a result of an injury, accident, or health issue, you probably want to replace it just so your smile looks normal again. You may not be in a hurry, though, and that’s where the problem comes in for you and the 178 million Americans who are...
When it comes to dental work, most of us just want one thing: a killer smile with healthy teeth. Unfortunately, that dream is too often easier said than done for many of us. But, if your smile isn’t what you want it to be, all hope is not lost. You...
So you’ve made the decision to use Invisalign to create the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. Congratulations! You’re glad you won’t be wearing bulky metal braces, but instead, you’ll have plastic trays that will be invisible as they straighten your teeth. But you’re wondering: How can I get the best...
With more than 40 million Americans wearing dentures, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for new patients. When you have that many different people with the same basic issue, many of them will handle it differently from one another. For example, many people will have tender gums that don’t react well...
You know that diabetes causes health issues for people who suffer from it, but you may not realize it causes oral health problems as well. With more than 37 million Americans having diabetes (that’s 11% of the population), you need to be aware of how the disease could affect your...
Because anywhere from 50-80% of adults in the United States experience some level of dental anxiety, a branch of oral health care has developed called oral sedation, which helps people with anxiety relax while they’re undergoing dental treatment. This sedation usually comes in the form of a medication that induces a feeling of...
Almost everyone knows what dentists recommend for good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Follow these practices, they tell you, and you’ll keep cavities, gum disease, and general disaster at bay. But do they ever tell you exactly how you should brush and...
You might be surprised to learn that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and more than 36 million Americans don’t have any teeth. The reasons for this are many and varied, but the reality is that many of these teeth had to be extracted before the people were really...
Going to the dentist is a natural fear for many people. They’re worried about pain, or they aren’t sure what the dentist will find, or they just don’t like lying down with someone’s hands in their mouth. Whatever the case, as their regular dental visit approaches, they begin to feel anxious...
You have finally come to accept reality: Your teeth are crowded and need help. Your upper and lower teeth aren’t aligned, or you’re having jaw pain or pain when you’re biting or chewing. You might even have a lisp or breathing difficulties. Whatever symptoms you’re experiencing, you know it’s time...
More than half of Americans feel insecure about the way their teeth look. They cover their mouths when they laugh, they keep their mouths closed when they smile, and they generally feel self-conscious about the way their teeth look. Whether their issue is teeth that aren’t quite symmetrical, teeth that are...
If you own a car, you know it’s important to get it serviced. At regular intervals, you should change the oil, rotate the tires, check the brakes, and make sure everything is working properly. If you follow these principles, your car will generally stay in good working order. If you...
Do you see yellow or discolored teeth when you look in the mirror? If the answer is yes, do you dream of the day when you’ll see sparkling white teeth instead? The good news is that you don’t have to dream any longer. The Zoom teeth whitening at Portrait Dental...
When you have your first child, there are many firsts to keep track of — when they begin smiling, sitting up, eating, walking, talking, and so much more. Right along with these milestones is getting their first tooth, and then watching the rest come in, one by one. As they...
If you have a tooth that’s causing you major problems — maybe it’s infected, or maybe you’ve experienced an injury — you might think the best solution is just to pull the tooth, replace it with an implant, and move on. In some cases, you might be right, but in...
If you find yourself in need of restorative dentistry, something has gone wrong. You have cracked or chipped a tooth possibly, or maybe you’ve even lost most or all of a permanent tooth. The question then becomes which type of restorative dentistry will provide the best outcome for you. At...
October is National Dental Hygiene Month in the United States. Not only is this a good time to celebrate our dental hygienists who do such great work, it’s also a perfect opportunity to check in with your own dental hygiene routines and make sure you’re doing everything correctly. At Portrait...
So, you looked in the mirror and realized your teeth are yellow. You tried to brush them, really brush them, but it didn’t make much difference. What can you do? Is there any hope that your teeth can be sparkling white again? If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone...
If you’re reluctant to smile in pictures because you’re afraid of exposing teeth that are cracked, stained or uneven, know this: you’re not alone. In fact, dental veneers have become so popular precisely because people are looking for an attractive, effective way to build a better smile. Here at Portrait...
If you go to your dentist twice a year as recommended for regular cleanings and exams, you already know what happens at a dental exam. But if you’re one of the 35% of American adults who didn’t go to the dentist last year, you might need a refresher on exactly...
Teeth whitening is no passing fad. In fact, whiter teeth was the number one answer when the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry asked people what they most wanted to improve about their smile. It’s no wonder then, that you see promos for teeth whitening everywhere. On television commercials, in online...
Not too long ago, dentistry was more about function than form. Pulling teeth, filling cavities, performing root canals — the basics got done, but not much more. With today’s technological advances, much of the focus of dentistry has shifted to cosmetic issues. Many patients are concerned about how we can...
Go ahead, guess how many Americans are missing at least one tooth? According to the American College of Prosthodontists, the answer is 178 million. Now guess how many are missing all of their teeth? The answer is 40 million. That’s quite a few people who need some sort of option...
Look around right now. See that other person over there? One of you has gum disease. At least statistically that’s the case. The CDC says almost half of all adults age 30 and over have some form of periodontal disease. Left untreated, it can result in infections, receding gums, and...
You remember the feeling: You know the appointment is coming and it’s a dread in the back of your mind. You’ve even called to reschedule twice and you know you can’t put it off anymore. It’s time to go to the dentist. If this is you, you’re not alone. Research...
Millions of Americans have teeth extractions every year. Any time you have a tooth removed, there’s always a danger that a condition known as alveolar osteitis — or dry socket — can develop. This painful condition occurs when the blood clot that normally covers the bone and nerve issue is...
Your primary motivation for getting Invisalign® may be to improve your appearance and give yourself a brand-new smile. Your appearance is a great reason to get Invisalign, but the end result of the treatment will be even better — your oral and overall health will improve tremendously. At Portrait Dental...
If you’re one of the 91% of Americans over the age of 20 who have had a cavity, you know what it’s like to visit the dentist’s office and walk out with a filling. The question is, what type of filling is best for someone with a cavity? Will it...
More than half of all Americans over the age of 30 have periodontitis, a form of gum disease. That’s about 65 million Americans, which means many people aren’t taking their oral health seriously enough. At Portrait Dental in Katy, Texas, we’re constantly on the lookout for early signs of gum...
So you want good dental health? The first step is to actually go to the dentist. Recent statistics indicate that this is a problem for many Americans. More than 31% of adults ages 20-44 had untreated cavities, and about 35% of adults ages 18-64 had not been to the dentist...
If you’ve ever lost a tooth through accident, injury, or disease, you know what a traumatic experience it can be. It not only affects your smile, but it can keep you from eating the food you want and lower your self-confidence. Thanks to advances in medicine, dental implants provide an...
You dread looking in the mirror every morning because you know you’re going to see exactly how imperfect your smile is. Your teeth are crooked, have gaps, and there’s even a chipped tooth from that accident a few years ago. You’re self-conscious about your smile, but you’ve never taken the...
Before you know it, that time of year has rolled around again and you get the call: your dentist is expecting you in the office in just a few days. You might outwardly groan, but deep inside you know a regular dental checkup is a good thing. At Portrait Dental...
Going to the dentist is not at the top of anyone’s “fun things to do” list, but thanks to sedation dentistry, it just might move up the rankings a little. If you’re one of the more than 60% of people who suffer from dental fear, this is welcome news. Whether...
You know who they are — the people who have a smile that lights up a room. When they walk into a room, it becomes a bright, cheery place where everyone wants to spend time. You might think you’re not one of those people, but the good news is that...
Do you hide your smile because crooked teeth are destroying your self-confidence? Time to straighten those little devils, which helps you build self-confidence, avoid gum disease, and improve your general oral health. Once, metal braces were the only way to straighten teeth. Today, we have Invisalign®, removable plastic aligners that...